Application Module


The application component allows applications to register themselves, at which point they are issued an application token. The application token allows access to application-scoped resources.

Application authentication flow diagram in PlantUML


Application Token

Issued when a user registers an application. Requires verification of the application’s contact email address before the token is marked valid. Allows for accessing application-level resources. Required in order to request an auth token.

Validation Token

Used for email validation. Sent in a link to the specified email when an auth token is requested, or to the application contact email when an application token is requested.


GET /app/all

List all currently registered applications

Status Codes:
POST /app/register

Allows a user to register a client application with the Olin API. This will grant them an application token which can later be used to either access client-specific resources or request an authorization token that will grant the application access to the API on a user’s behalf.

Users must agree to the Olin API Honor Code at

  • contact (str) – An email address to use as a designated contact for the application.
  • name (str) – The name of the application.
  • honorcode (bool) – A boolean value indicating whether or not the requester has read and agrees to the Olin API Honor Code.
  • description (str) – A description of the application.
  • homepage (str) – A URL pointing to the application’s website.
Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Success
  • 400 Bad Request – A JSON request parameter is missing or incorrect, or an app with the name and contact email already exist.
GET /app/validate/(token)

Given a validation token (what is sent in an email to the token requester’s email address), check that it is good, then mark the corresponding app as valid

Status Codes: